
Seshasayee Paper & Boards Limited, India Awards Its Bleaching Optimization Project to BTG

Seshasayee Paper & Boards Limited, India Awards Its Bleaching Optimization Project to BTG

The leading Indian pulp & paper producer Seshasayee Paper & Boards Limited (SPB) has selected BTG as a partner to improve its bleaching process with BTG Bleaching Advanced Process Control solution.

Pulp being a commodity and a key raw material for  making paper, minimizing cost of pulp production and improving quality stability is critical for all paper makers and even more for integrated mills.

The obective of the project is to improve the pulp quality stability and to lower the bleaching costs at its hardwood pulp mill at Erode site.

The BTG solution includes a combination of unique bleach plant measurements (e.g. Total Kappa, Fiber Kappa and Brightness) as well as predictive controls and process expertise, that will define an automated process which can respond to incoming variabilities and yet maintain a stable pulp quality at lowest possible cost.

“This is a step forward by SPB for excellence in operations” says Mr Ganesh Bhadti, Director (Operations), SPB.

“BTG is honored to be selected by SPB to execute Advanced Process Control project at their Erode site. The collaborative approach taken by the SPB and BTG teams has been the cornerstone of taking a grounded approach to deliver sustainable and guaranteed savings potential to SPB operations and enhance their bottom-line. This project is the continuation of a long-term partnership between BTG and SPB and we look forward to working with this valued customer in delivering future process improvement initiatives” shares Akhlesh Mathur, Head of Business – SA & SEA, BTG Group, ASPAC.

About BTG Group 

BTG is a multinational provider of integrated, highly specialized process solutions for the global pulp and paper industry. BTG is committed to helping its customers achieve significant, sustainable gains in business performance.

About Seshasayee Paper and Boards Limited (SPB) :

SPB is the flagship company belonging to ‘SPB-ESVIN GROUP’, owns and operates an Integrated Pulp, Paper and Paper board Mill at Pallipalayam, Erode, District Namakkal, Tamilnadu, India and a Paper Mill at Tirunelveli District, Tamilnadu, India.

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